Ben Franklin once said that the two certainties in life are death and taxes. If you follow the inner workings of Hollywood then you can most certainly add reboots to that list. The film industry loves to remake classic properties, and one of the next major silver screen revivals we’ll find ourselves treated to soon is a re-do of the 1995 Robin Williams classic, Jumanji. Over the last few months we’ve heard casting news crop up here and there, and now a new update has revealed that a major pop star currently finds himself being eyed to join the cast of the developing blockbuster.
According to a new report from THR, it appears that former teen pop star Nick Jonas is currently in talks to join the cast of the upcoming Jumanji remake. Although the exact nature of Nick Jonas’ role in the movie remains to be revealed, we know for a fact that he would join “Franchise Viagra” himself, Dwayne Johnson, among the film’s principle cast. Additionally, rumors have also swirled the modern comedic powerhouse Kevin Hart will also join Jonas and Johnson, but that rumor has yet to be completely corroborated.
Although he has primarily become known for his musical career, Nick Jonas has had a brief but strong career in the acting world. With credits on series such as Kingdom and Scream Queens, he has quickly proven that he may very well have the acting chops to step out of the shadow of his music career and become a bona fide star on the big screen. It’s worked well so far for singers like Justin Timberlake and Rihanna, so Jumanji could represent Jonas’ earnest attempt to make an impression in theaters in the future.
In all honest,y we’re surprised that it has taken Hollywood this long to get around to remaking Jumanji. The 1995 kids’ movie has become a modern classic over the last two decades, and remains one of the most iconic performances of the late, great Robin Williams. While we don’t have many concrete details to go by, but the fact that neither Nick Jonas, Dwayne Johnson, nor Kevin Hart have similar comedic styles to Williams leads us to believe that this reboot will really take the story of the titular, magical board game in a brand new direction — something that could prove divisive among fans.
Cinema Blend will bring you any and all details related to the upcoming release of the Jumanji reboot — as well as Nick Jonas’ involvement in the project — as more information becomes available to us. The long-awaited revival of the 1995 classic is currently slated to hit theaters one year from today on July 28, 2017.